Predator and prey

Most predatory fish change behaviour over the season. They are found in different places and feed different times of the day. Why? They are predatory and follow the behaviour of their prey. So I suppose, in a sense, that you can say they have only one behaviour – they follow their prey. If you’re fishing for predatory fish, and I suspect most of us are, the key to catching them is often to understand what they’re feeding on and the prey behaves.

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Good weather fishing

The best fishing weather isn’t necessarily the best weather, as such. I say that knowing fully well that there are many opinions regarding the best weather. Personally I can’t stand too much heat and I actually enjoy rain. Up to a certain point, of course. I think most will also agree on that the best fishing weather often involves maybe a little rain, some wind and preferably from the right (north-east is hopeless where I fish), some clouds and generally, changing conditions are preferable. Both during the day, but a change after a longer period will often stir things up a little.

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