Salmon season opening in Norway – and sea trout in the Scandinavian rivers

QZ4A2434 Photo Credit The Flyfishing Nation

Entering June means entering summer on the Northern Hemisphere. And to a lot of Scandinavian fly fishermen – it also means fishing for home running silver torpedoes.

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Celebrating the Home Run – new hook series out now


In the world of angling one of the most amazing events is the annual migration of salmon, steelhead and sea run brown trout. Driven by instinct, will and sheer power these fish might battle hundreds of miles upstream against strong currents and rapids – making gravity defying jumps to reach the gravel bars of the spawning grounds. For the individual fish this effort serves one purpose: to get back to the stretch of river, where it started its life as a newly hatched fry. Continue reading “Celebrating the Home Run – new hook series out now”