The Salmon Situation

We’ve covered the seemingly dire situation unfolding in Norway this season. Very, very few salmon running on some of the big and famous rivers. So few in fact that Norwegian authorities chose to close 33 of them entirely. It seems that the situation has changed for some rivers as 16 of them have been opened for fishing again, which is very good news. Mainly for the salmon as it means that there’s a viable run, but of course also for the fishermen and -women. The locals can enjoy the fishing in their rivers and those travelling can do the same, as well as bring in the lift to the local economies. Of course potentially avoiding losing a week of prepaid fishing.

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Flounder and coal fish

There is fly fishing – and then there is fly fishing. There are fly fishers – and then there are fly fishers. One of those is our good friend, Peter Alexandersson from Sweden. Peter is the definiton of an all rounder. From trout on dry fly to extreme fly fishing for flounders and coal fish on the inhospitable open waters around Lofoten in the north eastern part of Norway. Lofoten is what Peter calls a dream destination for flounders, coal fish and cod.

And Peter went, of course.

Follow along. Over to Peter…

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Sunray Shadow


Imagine an English gentleman and his wife, in a beautiful, big Jaguar with two 17’ Falcon split cane fly rods strapped to the roof, driving down a small access road to a majestic, Norwegian river and you have an image of inventor of what is one of the most succesful flies of the 20th century.

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Salmon season opening in Norway – and sea trout in the Scandinavian rivers

QZ4A2434 Photo Credit The Flyfishing Nation

Entering June means entering summer on the Northern Hemisphere. And to a lot of Scandinavian fly fishermen – it also means fishing for home running silver torpedoes.

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