Opening day on the Swedish West Coast – field report and tips

Peter Alexandersson-02

After several blogs mostly about the many international angling shows this spring – it’s time to turn to the great outdoors and some real fishing. The start of April marks the opening of seatrout season on the Swedish west coast – a day awaited with a lot of anticipation and hope. Continue reading “Opening day on the Swedish West Coast – field report and tips”

Hökensås Sportfiske – and the Swedish Sportfiske Mässan show

Abborra Gjölen Rainbow Trout 18-09-02

This coming weekend it is time for another great show. Sportsfiske Mässan is the largest angling show in Sweden, and if you are anywhere nearby, you owe yourself to drop by Elmia in Jönköping March the 17’th to the 19’th. It is an all-round angling fair, so there will be anything from trolling boats to fly fishing tackle. But there will be a lot of fly tying as well. Continue reading “Hökensås Sportfiske – and the Swedish Sportfiske Mässan show”