
Photo: Matt Guymon / Freestone River Photography.

By far the first insects to appear on the scene when spring arrives are the stoneflies. They start moving even before all the snow and ice is gone. Ice fishing anglers can sometimes be visited by small stonefly nymphs, which crawl out of the holes in the ice they are fishing in. Especially if they are fishing near an outlet of a lake or near a flowing water. Because flowing water is the home of stoneflies, they are adapted to living in and near running water.

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Pike flies and dubbing brushes

From last years International Flytying Symposium; Brian Shumaker, Steve Silverio and Bob Clouser.

Before we get to that, let me remind you that we are attending the International Fly Tying Symposium in New Jersey tis weekend. We’ll be there so if you’re there, please come by and say hello.

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Predator season

The summer’s high water temperatures are receding and as the water cools down, it’s time to get ready for the fall predator season. Maybe the lines, the wire leaders and the reels need a quick check up and maybe, just maybe, the boxes need a replenish with your favourite flies? Mine did – and still do. I’ve been enjoying tying flies with home made dubbing brushes recently.

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The Green Highlander

Green Highlander by John Lind Rasmussen

Absolute perfection at the vice – the Green Highlander tied by John Lind Rasmussen. Pattern as per Dr. T. E. Pryce-Tannat, all original materials – even the hook is custom made by John himself – absolutely stunning work.

Few types of flies are surrounded by more traditions, mystery and historical buzz than the classic salmon flies from the 19th century in England, and one of the most famous and wellknown is the Green Highlander.

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Cold Opening Day – in the Danish west coast salmon rivers

Storå Laks - fisker og foto by Kevin (Vejle)-01

Right now the beautiful Atlantic salmon return from the ocean. Large, silver covered, muscle packed and ready for anything we throw at them. Naturally they don’t make their home run to pick a fight – but they don’t back off if you serve up an invitation. Continue reading “Cold Opening Day – in the Danish west coast salmon rivers”