IFTS, IFF and Trey Combs

Steve Silverio and UK flytyer Paul Little discussing hooks and flies at the Irish Fly Fair.

On November 11th and 12th, we attended the International Fly Tying Symposium in the US and last weekend we were at the Irish Fly Fair. Being based in Denmark, fly shows always require some travel, so we’ve been busy. Morten was at the IFTS, Søren and myself at the Irish Fly Fair.

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The Turkey

Turkey Feathers-01

I’ll leave today’s blog to Håkan Karsnäser and yet another of his material descriptions. Håkan is an excellent fly tier and even though he has a vast collection of materials, Håkan is always aware that it’s not always important to acquire new and specific materials. Often you can be creative and use what you already have by using materials in a ways they are not typically used for. Today Håkan provides some inspiration on how to use turkey tails fibres.

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Den Vanliga / The Usual

Skjern Salmon photo by Micke Llindström-03

One can almost hear how this fly got its name after it began gaining some popularity. “What did you catch it on?”. “Oh, just the usual one…” So what is Den Vanliga (Swedish for The Usual)? It is an unusually effective salmon fly that we usually tie on tubes, no-body style and with a built in weight.

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Not the vermin – the fly series. The RAT-series are famous flies, swung for salmon all over the world. They are usually tied on double hooks (but singles do just as well) and rarely in huge sizes – in part due to the tradition wing material, which is grey fox.

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New Release – HR 418 Bomber Hook

_Art Hook Only 1-0-03

It’s hook launch time – again! We’re come close to ending 2020 (I think most of us look forward to that), but we decided to just go ahead and throw a proper New Year’s Bomb(er) to you.

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Hook News – HR 428 Silver

4 Weeks Of Daylight - High Res Image Resources00020

Photocredit: Fly Fishing nation – @flyfishingnation

Yes, it’s that time of year. We know all you salmon flyfishers are waiting for the next season and some of you are probably already going through the boxes, checking the flies, deciding on new patterns, which to keep and which need to be replenished. At least I know a few of us here are Ahrex are – OK, one at least. Me.

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Stephen Carella

18lb Hamish Condor Pool Mug Shot

Photocredit: Fly Fishing nation – @flyfishingnation

Salmon season is over and in general I think it’s been a fair season over most of Northern Europe and the UK. Instead of taking a look at season statistics, huge fish, happy stories, stories of the lost fish, I’ll turn you over to Stephen Carella, who in this nice story takes a look at something important that sometimes happens when you go fishing. Making friends – an important aspect of flyfishing.

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Danish Salmon Opening


Mathias “Tuben” Ibsen with the stuff we have been dreaming for… Silvershining salmon from the opening day of the salmon rivers.

I’m writing this on Thursday April 9th, which means that there is exactly one week until the opening of the Danish salmon season. By the time you read this, there are only six days. I’ve mentioned this before, but we’ve had the wettest winter since we began recording weather data in the middle of the 19th century, so I’m quite convinced that there are plenty of salmon in the rivers.

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Salmon Fly Tradition


Photocredit: The Flyfishing Nation

At the time of writing this, there is exactly two weeks until the Danish salmon rivers open on April 16th and naturally, my mind has been drifting towards salmon flies. This blog will be about salmon flies and so will the next with some recommendations on good flies for Danish salmon. But for now, I’m not thinking so much about flies for Danish salmon in particular, more about salmon fly traditions.

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