Steve Silverio and UK flytyer Paul Little discussing hooks and flies at the Irish Fly Fair.
On November 11th and 12th, we attended the International Fly Tying Symposium in the US and last weekend we were at the Irish Fly Fair. Being based in Denmark, fly shows always require some travel, so we’ve been busy. Morten was at the IFTS, Søren and myself at the Irish Fly Fair.

Let me being by saying thank you to all the visitors who came by our stands at both shows. We really enjoy the direct interaction with our customers, because, well – you guessed it, we love talking about hooks. We also want to thank the directors of both shows, Chuck Furimsky at the IFTS and Stevie Munn at the IFF. Both were well organised shows and certainly well attended.

The saltwater legend and man behind the new SA290 Beast Fleye Bop Popovics at the IFTS.
At the IFTS, we had the honour of attending the show with none other than Bob Popovics, who helped us present the new SA 290/292 Bob Popovics Beast hooks. We are grateful to Bob, not only for being there, but also for the collaboration in creating the hook. Being at a fly fair in Ireland, where we expect the most interest in our trout- and salmon hooks, we were surprised that the SA 290/292 also got some attention. Check them out here:

As usual, when we release a hook, we always get asked for bigger or smaller versions than the ones initially available – also of course with the Beast hooks. We’ll see, maybe…

Beautiful baitfish tied by John Maduro and displayed at the IFF.
At the IFF, we shared our stand with Steve Silverio and John “The Vise Mechanic” Blackmer from Regal Vise. We had a great time and they were great company. We also managed to hook up with Steve Peterson, rep for Ahrex in the UK. All in all, a big thank you to everyone involved and especially all those who came by with questions and comments.
The show season is over for 2023, but it picks up again early in 2024 and I’ll let you know in a few weeks, where we’ll be heading next.

I’ll end this blog with a “heads up” on a new book. “Flies for Atlantic Salmon & Steelhead”, recently released by Trey Combs. The book is a great account of the history of the flies as well as their present counterparts. We’ll do a more in depth review on the book in a later blog. For now I’ll constrain myself to mentioning the chapter, “Bugs And Bombers”, by “our own” Steve Silverio. I’ve read this chapter and it’s very interesting and unveils the history of these significant flies. And of course, features our HR 418 WD Bomber Hook. Steve Silverio was imperative in the design of this hook.