Thunder and Lightning

Perhaps the most famous of the classic salmon flies? Perhaps the one with the most variants and modern interpretations? If one ever were to answer that one question that no fly fisher ever wants to answer, the answer could be Thunder and Lightning. Let’s take a closer look at this beautiful combination of black, orange, blue and dark brown, colours.

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Closing the season

The Norwegian salmon season is coming to a close, so I’ll round things off in this blog, covering a few tips and tricks on how to fool the sometimes very difficult, late summer salmon. The river holds more salmon now. It’s usually a good mix between the now old salmon that entered the river early in the season and the late runners, which are usually the so-called grilse. Grilse are small, male atlantic salmon, still bright silver, but smaller. There are different opinions when a grilse can be called a salmon – some say over 5kg. I say three, because then I catch more salmon.

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Stephen Carella

18lb Hamish Condor Pool Mug Shot

Photocredit: Fly Fishing nation – @flyfishingnation

Salmon season is over and in general I think it’s been a fair season over most of Northern Europe and the UK. Instead of taking a look at season statistics, huge fish, happy stories, stories of the lost fish, I’ll turn you over to Stephen Carella, who in this nice story takes a look at something important that sometimes happens when you go fishing. Making friends – an important aspect of flyfishing.

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Introducing Angling Scotland

Photocredit: Patrick Tillard @patrick_tillard

The blog this week is about the amazing fishing in Scotland. Two scottish anglers, Fraser McIntosh and Andrew Herkes have started a project named Angling Scotland. We have been talking to the guys behind and here is their own words about Angling Scotland.

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Cold Opening Day – in the Danish west coast salmon rivers

Storå Laks - fisker og foto by Kevin (Vejle)-01

Right now the beautiful Atlantic salmon return from the ocean. Large, silver covered, muscle packed and ready for anything we throw at them. Naturally they don’t make their home run to pick a fight – but they don’t back off if you serve up an invitation. Continue reading “Cold Opening Day – in the Danish west coast salmon rivers”

Opening day salmon – and something about dress code


Last week I mentioned the start of the salmon season in Denmark, and since then, lots of silver torpedoes have been landed in the rivers in Western Jutland. Our friend Mathias Ibsen was one of the many anglers, that were out trying their luck in the opening days.

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An Amber Shrimp for late season trout

Seatrout Summer by Morten Jensen-02

Does the world really need more shrimp patterns? Well… sure it does. And if for some reason you should doubt that statement, all you gotta do is check out todays fly tying sbs, where Danish fly tier and fly fisherman Morten Jensen ties his Amber Shrimp. Continue reading “An Amber Shrimp for late season trout”