Today we’re pleased to let you know about a movie that our friend, Markus Hoffman, made about his summer fishing in Northern Sweden. It’s a beautiful movie capturing the essence of what it’s like being in the wild of Northern Sweden. Not only fishing there – also just being there.
I’ll let Markus tell you a bit about the movie and recommend you watch it. I really enjoyed it.

“To film or not to film, that’s the question.
As I (Markus Hoffman) first popped my friend Tomas Skoging the question to make a movie of our fly fishing trip he quickly replied HELL NO! Working as a movie director he was in no mood for spending holiday time behind a camera instead of his fly rod.

However, after telling him I know one of Sweden’s top documentary filmmakers Bengt Loefgren, he didn’t let the hours turn in to days before changing his mind. Mr Loefgren, also a keen fly fisher and fly tier, didn’t hesitate to jump on board. The three of us plus my English Bullterrier Tordis were heading to a legendary river way up north and everything ended up in our first movie ’Kartan’ (The Map) – a short film about fly fishing… and life. Our manuscript, if we ever had one, was an old mountain map given to me by Gunnar Westrin. That same Gunnar is the voice reading my words in the movie.
Hours and hours of Bengts filming were finetuned by Tomas into nearly 30 minutes of rain, heavy winds and laughter. We were happy about the result and immediately started to sketch on next summer’s adventure.
The movie from that trip is now ready. ’The Riverbank’ is in no way put in the action category. It is 37 minutes of Swedish summer in some awesome looking scenery all accompanied by Fredrik Sundbergs sweet, sweet music and Barry Ord Clarkes spellbinding voice.
We hope you enjoy it and recommend you watching it on your television for maximum enjoyment. If you like it, please subscribe here.”