Our man in Sweden (one of them), Peter Alexandersson, is a bit of a fishing machine and he fishes for just about anything that has fins. If you could fish for something without fins, I’m quite certain he’d do that as well. It’s still winter in Sweden and since Peter needs to fish, he’s taken a trip to the Bahamas with his wife and sent us as little report.

From Peter:
My wife and I have high demands and want both sun and good fishing on a holiday, Bahamas has plenty of both. The Bahamas are hundreds of small islands and some are better suited for a two week vacation than others. The bigger islands like Abaco, Andros and Acklins have their own airports, which ensures a better transfer.

Saltwater fly fishing in the tropics isn’t easy, especially if you do it on your own, which I find hugely satisfying. It can be quite adventurous, but a day or two with a good guide is after all a good way to get started. A guide will help with the basics of both how to fish and how to find the fish.
On the bigger islands you can rent a car, which is essential. The infrastructure on the smaller islands is challenging, which might not be suitable for a less adventurous spouse.

The Bahamas are known for big bone fish, which I find very attractive. The hunter in me finds difficult, bordering on impossible, very tempting and interesting. GPS, Google Maps and perhaps a drone makes it easier than ever to find attractive and likely looking spots to wet your fly. Even an inflatable paddle board can be a great addition to your fishing.

The GPS is important if you’re not familiar with the places you fish. It’s very easy to lose your way in a mangrove jungle and without the GPS, you’re in trouble.

Apart from bonefish, the Bahamas has lots of other fish to offer. Big barracudas, sharks, large needle fish, tarpon, jacks, triggerfish and permit. Yet for me, the big attraction is the big bonefish.

The big bonefish are so incredibly strong.
If you are curious on a DIY bonefish trip, Rod Hamilton’s book, “DIY Bonefishing” is a bible.
It’s not cheap, but just remember that you take nothing with you to the grave, so if you’re considering a trip – I say go!
Tight Lines,

If you’re curious, but not adventurous enough to go by yourself there are plenty of options for pre-arranged and guided trips. If you’re in Scandinavia, Topwater Travel and Get Away Fly Fishing both offer trips.