It’s the middle of may and the most important hatch of the year is on. At least in Northern Europe. There are plenty of hatches in the World, where huge insects hatch that can bring the big ones to the surface. In Europe, it’s the Ephemera danica and it’s slightly smaller still water cousin, Ephemera vulgata.

These are big mayflies and they can hatch in incredible numbers and there’s no hatch that brings the big ones up like these. Enough has been written about them that I don’t need to repeat any of it here, so I will instead direct you towards the many fly tying videos we have on our channel, featuring all stages of these bugs.
The height of the hatch usually occurs in the first week of June, but they are hatching in big numbers right now – earlier than usual.

Let’s begin with the nymphs. They are really not that important as imitations, but in the very first part of the hatch, they can be very effective, bot the vulgata and that danica.
Håkan Karsnäsers’ Vulgata Nymph:
Another of Håkan’s vulgata nymphs:
My own take on a Danica Nymph:
Håkan’s Vulgata Emerger:
My own Danica Emerger:
Kaj Kirkebys Vulgata Dun:
Danica/Green Drake French Partridge Variation by John Petermann:
Per Tofting’s CDC Mayfly:
My Danica Deer hair Dun:
And finally my take on the Spent Spinner:
I think there may be a few more videos to be found on the channel, but this shows how important the hatch it. I hope you can find some inspiration in the videos.