A couple of weeks ago we had our Swedish friend Micke Lindström down here in Denmark for a short visit. Micke is, in our opinion, one of the best fly fishermen on the planet. He is also a very modest guy, so somebody else needed to say that – and I guess I just did.
Flies that swim
Micke lives near Umeå in Northern Sweden, and has world class fishing for sea run brown trout and salmon practically right on the doorstep. He ties any kinds of flies – but is probably best known for his outstanding sea trout- and salmon flies. He is a guy, that don’t care much about what the fly looks like in the vice. He is much more concerned about how it appears under water.
Micke want his flies to swim like a real baitfish, eel, lamprey or leech – so he relies mostly on soft wing materials like fox tail and fur strips. His flies are often very simple ties, but they are deadly when swimming in the current of his local streams.
A lot of Micke’s flies are tied on tubes – using the Pro Sportfisher systems, some are tied on hooks as well.
While he was down here, we naturally asked him to sit in the hot tying chair at the Ahrex headquarter, and wrap up a couple of his cool flies, while Morten and Søren had the cameras rolling. More on that later.
Visiting the Skjern River
Micke had the chance to fish the beautiful Danish River Skjern while he was here. He was accompanied by another friend of the house, Ole Wisler. And even though some local fishermen have to put in a lot of hours to catch a Danish salmon on the fly – Micke nailed a beautiful fresh run 86 cm salmon that weekend. The fish was released after a couple of snapshots.
Two new videos with Micke’s flies
As mentioned, Micke tied a bunch of flies while visiting. 2 of these is up on our YouTube channel today.
One is Micke’s super cool combination of the Muddler and the Zonker. Micke has fished this deadly fly for decades – and it was, to the best of my knowledge, the first fly of this type to be popularized in Scandinavia. No bells and whistles – just plain profile and a lot of swimming motion.
The other is his variation on the über classic GP or General Practitioner salmon fly.
Both of these flies were tied on our HR420 Gold Progressive Double hook.
Have a nice weekend :0)