Down – and up!

Sometimes everything is turned upside down – and it seems to be a tendency that is also permeating this blog lately. In March we introduced the SA 210 Bob Clouser Signature hook, and while it, in every way, is a “normal” hook, the fly it was designed around is an upside-down-fly. I’ve touched on the … Continue reading “Down – and up!”

Trailer Hooks

Not the ones you find on every self-respecting car owner in the rural areas, no – the ones used behind flies. A trailing hook – as in a hooks that hangs “behind” the fly, further back than the hook would be, had the fly been dressed on a wetfly- or streamer hook. That is sometimes … Continue reading “Trailer Hooks”

Magic Møn

Ole Martin, often called Mr. Møn, has often talked about the island of Møn, situated in the south eastern part of Sjælland (Denmark). The high cliffs and the beaches are beautiful and there’s excellent fishing. Having seen pictures and film from Møn, I had to go. I was dreaming about big, silvery sea trout, but … Continue reading “Magic Møn”

New release – SA 274

A part of our very first hook releases was the NS 172 Gammarus, which very quickly became very popular for a variety of reasons – and for a good number of different types of flies. But we also very early on began getting requests for not only bigger versions for various predator flies, but also … Continue reading “New release – SA 274”

Dark is the Night (at least somewhere)

Summer is fast approaching, and with it, lots of sun and higher water temperatures. Both contribute to a change in behaviour of the sea trout. It’s possible, by choosing the right spots and adapting your techniques and strategy, to catch sea trout all through the day during the summer. But there’s no doubt that concentrating … Continue reading “Dark is the Night (at least somewhere)”


Garfish is one of those fish, where the best fishing weather actually is nice weather. Clear skies, a light off-shore breeze, 20 degrees and blazing sun and garfish are almost a guarantee. They are fairly easy to catch and they are often present in numbers. They are the quintessential good-weather-fish on the Danish beaches. That … Continue reading “Garfish-time”


April 1st is just around the corner, and that means spring. After a winter with more rain than ever recorded before in Denmark, it’s been really strange that within a few days, we went from rain-rain-rain-endless-rain to clear skies (and frosty nights). None the less, even though fishing has been good all winter (pike and … Continue reading “Spring”

Cold water decisions

As the water continues to cool down, an age old debate tends to heat up. In southern Scandinavia we’re blessed with many flyfishing opportunities all year round. The first factor is of course that fishing is allowed and the next that waters are ice free, but if both are the case the flyfisher has many … Continue reading “Cold water decisions”