In this weekend – the 4th and 5th of March 2017 – you have the opportunity to meet a lot of really talented and creative fly tiers on the Danish Fly Festival in Kolding.
Ahrex Hook will be there all weekend, and we hope to meet a lot of you guys. And to make things interesting we have asked some of our fly tying friends to sit in – and show what’s spinning on their wises currently. So drop by and have a chat with me and Ahrex team member Søren Flarup. We will hand out samples and do our best to answer your questions on hooks and flies.
But Søren and I sure are not the main attractions, cause we have got some really cool dudes stealing the spotlight. So drop in and meet:
Andreas Andersson, Sweden: master of large articulated streamer flies and other awesome stuff.
Morten “Coastfly” Hansen, Denmark: the glass master, known for his extremely realistic Glass Shrimp and other saltwater flies.
Håkan Karsnäser, Sweden: Fabulous fly tier, that ties everything and makes it look easy. Especially known for his classic salmon flies, spey flies and other beautiful classics.
Niels Verner Pedersen, Denmark: Talented and innovative all round tier, that ties everything from saltwater flies to wets and sea trout/salmon flies.
Claus Eriksen, Denmark: Probably doesn’t really need a presentation. Claus is a creative tier, a hot shot sea trout fisherman and the father of Pattegrisen.
These guys will take turns tying in our booth – and talk flies and fishing with you if you drop by :0)
And there’s more!
And if that isn’t enough… well, you can see a row of other talented fly tiers, all the new tackle for 2017, and find special offers at the many exhibitors and shops, listen to interesting lectures, experience world class fly casters, test equipment and not least: meet old and new friends.
This is Northern Europe’s largest fly festival, and is arranged by Federation of Fly Fishers Denmark (FFFD).
Check the full program here…
And for you, that can’t meet and greet
For those of you, that live on an other continent, has to work, see your sick grandfather or just wanna go fishing instead… well I have made a video SBS of one of my favourite flies. It’s a variant of the late Jack Gartside’s Soft Hackle Streamer. Check it out right here….
Have a nice weekend :0)