We’re back from a hectic weekend in Somerset, NJ. The short story is that we were happy and privileged to be a part of it, we have a great time and it was a pleasure to participate in this legendary and international event.

It was busy and it was buzzing. We had a really great time and although it was a lot of travelling (including a cancelled flight) for two show days, it was well worth it. It was the perfect balance between business and pleasure – which somehow always seems to be the everyday scenario for us anyway, and it seems to become so all by it self, every time.

Steve Silverio picked us up in the airport and we spent a lovely evening in his home. We spent time in his incredible dungeon of fly tying magic and wonders. We had fruitful discussions about present and future hook projects – sparring is an important part of how we develop hooks. Steve is an important part of our presence in the US and we’re thankful for his assistance.

We had a chance to meet Bill Keough again – another legend, whom Morten has had lots of contact with, when he owned and ran The Fly Company, who distributed Keough’s products.

We were happy to say hello to some of our pro staff members and seeing their efforts during the show.

We have to mention our meeting and time with Bob Clouser – arguably one of the most legendary fly fishers today. We have spent a lot of time online, speaking to Bob, when we developed the Ahrex SA 210 Bob Clouser Signature, so it was an honour and a pleasure to finally shake hands and meet face to face.

Chuck Furimsky and his team hosted and excellent and well organised show. It was a real pleasure and we look forward to next year. And finally – thank you so much to everyone who came around and spent time with us.
Morten and Søren