Streamers, bucktails and Mickey Finn – part II

I don’t know how many hooks on the market can be classified as “streamer hooks”, and we often get asked why we have one in our line up when there are so many on the market. And that is of course a valid question, and the only answer is that we had to. We had … Continue reading “Streamers, bucktails and Mickey Finn – part II”

Streamers, bucktails and Mickey Finn

I don’t know how many hooks on the market can be classified as “streamer hooks”, and we often get asked why we have one in our line up when there are so many on the market. And that is of course a valid question, and the only answer is that we had to. We had … Continue reading “Streamers, bucktails and Mickey Finn”

Bucktail and bucktail flies – tradition, innovation and pure magic

As fly tiers and fly fishermen we are able to choose from an impressive selection of hair materials: Calf Tail, squirrel tail and a parade of furs from fox, bear, goat, sheep and lots of others animals. And then there are the synthetics. All of these have their pros and cons – and their own … Continue reading “Bucktail and bucktail flies – tradition, innovation and pure magic”

Sea bass

Fishing sea bass along the west coast of Denmark is becoming increasingly popular. It’s not new – it was in the mid to late 1990s that I first heard of a couple of pioneers targeting this unusual species. They can be found along the entire west coast, but the fishing seems to be best along … Continue reading “Sea bass”

Beast Fleye

Bob Popovics and Steve Silverio at the IFTS 2023. Last weekend, Morten and Steve Silverio were at the International Fly Tying Symposium in Somerset, NJ. We were in place on Hareline’s stand and we want to say thank you to everyone who came by and said hi.

Pike flies and dubbing brushes

From last years International Flytying Symposium; Brian Shumaker, Steve Silverio and Bob Clouser. Before we get to that, let me remind you that we are attending the International Fly Tying Symposium in New Jersey tis weekend. We’ll be there so if you’re there, please come by and say hello.

Bending? No more – the SA 258/PR 358 CA Bendback is here

We’re pleased to, once again, announce the official release of a new hook. We love making hooks, and in particular ones that are made for specific purposes, maybe even a model others would call a niche product. It only makes it better when they are a result of a collaboration with others. In this instance … Continue reading “Bending? No more – the SA 258/PR 358 CA Bendback is here”

Big Hole Demon

I don’t think there’s a fly with a scarier name than this. A demon from a big hole – however it looks nothing like a demon, it is only a streamer fly. There’s endless debate on how old a fly has to be, before it can be called a classic. However I’ll classify this as … Continue reading “Big Hole Demon”