There are certain terms used in relation to describing a hook. We use the terms when we communicate with our production engineers and they are of course widely used in general descriptions of hooks. Read along and I’ll take you though the terms and how the relate to the anatomy of a hook.
The elegant mayflies like drakes, danicas and vulgates deserve an elegant hook for the imitations. We have for a long time had a desire for a long-shanked yet light hook for the hatch of the largest species of mayflies that can fool the most skeptical trout or grayling, and we have launched it now – the FW538 / 539 Mayfly Dry.
Not the ones you find on every self-respecting car owner in the rural areas, no – the ones used behind flies. A trailing hook – as in a hooks that hangs “behind” the fly, further back than the hook would be, had the fly been dressed on a wetfly- or streamer hook. That is sometimes an advantage.
HP Glass Minnow is another simple, inconspicuous fly, originated by Danish fly tyer, Henrik Strandgaard. Henrik is best know for classic salmon flies, but is behind this pattern, which also does very well on calm days and in clear water. Body of pearl tinsel, wing of blue and natural polar bear, kept sparse and eyes of ProSportfisher Gen3 synthetic jungle cock.
It sounds a bit like a new direction in modern, Scandinavian cuisine, but it’s not. It’s a new hook in our Nordic Series. Do they ever stop releasing new hook, you might think. Well, not in any foreseeable future. Nordic Series was the first line of hooks we released, so named to mark that we are a Danish hooks brand. Most of the hooks are intended and designed for saltwater fishing in Scandinavia, but most of them are very versatile and will fit a number of flies for all sorts of fishing.
The bold statement would be: “After tonnes of requests from customers worldwide…”. However that wouldn’t be true, but we have had some requests for this. A chart where you – our customers – can get a quick comparison between our hooks, with a short description of their intended purposes and main characteristics.
However I try to spin it, I don’t think I ever had a fishing trip that became worse after catching a fish. Not necessarily much better either, but worse? I don’t think so. After all, it is why we go out. Catching a fish is nice. Catching a big fish is even better. Catching a big fish in a spectacular way is certainly going to improve any trip.
It’s not as serious as it seems, but it was the general thinking behind the first Intruder-flies Ed Ward, Jerry French and Scott Howell tied, sometime in the early 90ies. They discovered that big flies would illicit aggressive strikes – because the “intruded the personal space” of big fish, without spooking them. To begin with they used them for king salmon and then slowly transferred the style of fly to steelhead fishing.
Pink Jig by Håkan Karsnäser on FW554 CZ Mini Jig.
Yes, another hook release – believe it or not. We’ve been busy! This time it’s a new jig-hook. We of course already have a jig hook – the FW 550/551. So what’s the big difference, I hear you ask? Well, that takes about as long time to answer as it does to ask the question. Hook length!
A part of our very first hook releases was the NS 172 Gammarus, which very quickly became very popular for a variety of reasons – and for a good number of different types of flies. But we also very early on began getting requests for not only bigger versions for various predator flies, but also stronger versions for stronger fish. And of course the inevitable requests for a saltwater version.
You may have spotted these news on Facebook and Instagram already. If not – today is the official release of a new dry fly hook in the FW-series: the 504/505 Short Shank Dry Fly Hook.