This friday our blog is written on the road somewhere in the southern part of Sweden. Morten and I are on our way home from a great week of filming and making photos of streamer fishing in the beautiful River Rena in Norway.
The season in Rena started on the 1’st of May, and on opening day some rather impressive trout were caught– among these a monster brown trout of nearly 16 lb (caught on a Rapala wobbler). So we felt that our timing wasn’t all bad.
We enjoyed the hospitality of Rena Fiskecamp – and had camp manager, Lars B. Johansen and guide Petter Berget behind the oars in the driftboats… and behind a lot of good tips on fishing the river as well.
To make sure we had a couple of competent guys in front of the lens – we asked one of our favourite streamer dudes, Andreas Andersson and our good friend trout fisherman Stefan (Wicked Trout) Larsson to play along.
We had a couple of productive and long days on the river: Fantastic weather, super clear water in one of our favourite rivers, big streamer eating trout… and a lot of action and fun with some really cool dudes.
So now we are heading home in a car loaded with photos, film, new badass streamers – and ideas for new flies, hooks and film projects.
We look forward to show you all of it… and we will… eventually. Till then… here’s a little sneak peek into our bag of new material.
Have a nice weekend :0)