
Chartreuse Pillow Talk by Hanna B. Vestergaard-01

Chartreuse Pillow Talk by Hanna B. Vestergaard

In any type of fly, for any kind of species, during most of the season, you can encounter conditions, where it’s highly advantageous (some essentially necessary) to do whatever you can to avoid snagging on weed. Simply in order to be able to move your fly through the water. There are several ways of negotiating the challenge – and only one to avoid it totally, which is to stay home. But – that’s not why we’re fishing, so let’s take a look at some of the options and their advantages and drawbacks.

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Big Zander on the Fly by Christian Drost

DFL 18-10-07

After a few week with hook releases, let us first say a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who received the new hooks so well. Last weeks release of the PR 378 GB hook was extraordinary and the attention it has received has taken us a bit by surprise, and it’s kept us busy in the office with questions, orders and inquiries.

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Yes, we’re not done releasing new hooks this fall, and today we’re releasing a really exciting project.

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XO – Series release

DFL 18-10-22

Today marks the official release of a brand new series of hooks that we have chosen to call XO. XO has plenty of meanings in today’s world. Our younger readers will relate it to “hugs and kisses” in text messages while our slightly, how should I put it, more seasoned customers might tend to connect it with cognac, where it signifies that a cognac has been aged for at least six years in oak barrels. We – however – use the term differently, as an abbreviation for Cross Over.

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Feathers galore

Brown Bodied Parachute by Jan de Haas-03

Brown Bodied Parachute tied by Jan de Haas.

We’re fly fishers and fly tiers – that’s why me make fly hooks. Being fly tiers we love quality fly tying materials (almost) as much as we love quality fly hooks. There are so many high quality materials available today that it’s hard to believe – natural materials, synthetics, furs, hairs, silicone products, rubber. But in some way the quintessential fly tying material is the feather. The simplest of modern dry flies – from the Halford-era consists on a tail of hackle fibres, a dubbed body and a front hackle. Even the very first fly in written sources mentions the use of feathers.

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Esox Only – Christian Drost

DFL 18-10-05

We’re proud of our Scandinavian roots, so hooks for Scandinavian saltwater were the first we released. Pike on the fly also has a long tradition in Scandinavia, and I know he’s not going to like this, but it has to be said – Morten was one of the pioneers over 30 years ago and has been very influential in developing the fishing and the flies, so pike hooks were just as important to us.

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Sometimes one has to spend a little time thinking about the subject of a blog entry. That’s not the case today. May 1st is the day when pike (in fresh water) is once again given free and we’re allowed to fish for them again. While some are left in the office packing orders and others are behind the computer writing blogs, Morten is of course on the lake, fishing for pike.

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Pike – final rounds


It’s Friday the 13th (!!!) and that means roughly two weeks left before pike are protected for a month or more (in Denmark, April 1st – April 30th in freshwater, April 1st – May 15th in saltwater – be sure to check your own areas and waters). So if you have the urge, maybe it’s time to get out there and see if you can find a couple of hungry pike.

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Streamers, bucktails and Mickey Finn

I don’t know how many hooks on the market can be classified as “streamer hooks”, and we often get asked why we have one in our line up when there are so many on the market. And that is of course a valid question, and the only answer is that we had to. We had to have a classic streamer hook – we couldn’t be a serious hook brand of we hadn’t.

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