Andreas Andersson - Ahrex Hooks

Big flies – big fish?

Photo: Matt Gymon / Freestone River Photography.

I’m sure there’s some truth behind that – to an extent, because it’s certainly far from impossible to catch big fish on small flies. However, this is about big flies and there can be little doubt that big, predatory fish mainly feed to bigger prey, mostly smaller fish. A dense hatch of bugs will bring any trout up, but a bif fly will tempt them consistently, all year round.

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Dahlberg Diver – by Andreas Andersson

Did you catch our recently published video with Andreas Andersson? It’s a very detailed instruction on how to tie the famous fly, the Dahlberg Diver. You can tie the fly however detailed you want, but I think it’s safe to say that Andreas’ instruction is among the best and most detailed you can find on YouTube. There’s no need to go into as much detail as Andreas does. Andreas is also among the best with deer hair, so I think it’s also safe to say that no matter how detailed you want to tie your fly, there’s a lot to learn.

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The Tube

Not tube flies and not that we don’t like tube flies – we love them, but “The Tube” – YouTube. We hope that you are subscribed to our channel and if not that you will consider doing so. We try to make as varied a content as we can and we have had a lot of different fly tiers in the studio over the years.

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Spectacular Surface Action


However I try to spin it, I don’t think I ever had a fishing trip that became worse after catching a fish. Not necessarily much better either, but worse? I don’t think so. After all, it is why we go out. Catching a fish is nice. Catching a big fish is even better. Catching a big fish in a spectacular way is certainly going to improve any trip.

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Ahrex at IFTD in Denver

Gunnison - Stefan Larsson-41

Stefan “WickedTrout” Larson and Andreas Andersson had been fishing Montana for a couple of weeks before they picked up us in the airport, just as the first snow of the winter fell. We took the scenic route over the Rocky Mountains to Delta, where we fished for a few days in the magnificent Gunnison River, before we headed to Denver for the IFTD show.

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International Fly Tackle Dealer – IFTD


Søren and Morten from Ahrex HQ have left the office for a while to take part in the IFTD. This is of course particularly good news for our American customers, so if you’re curious – let’s say about the new Ahrex Salt hooks, you have the opportunity not only to see the hooks, but also talk to the designer and hear about the thoughts behind the hooks. That is of course if you’re in the Denver area or able to travel there.

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Three ways to go weedless – without sacrificing hook ability


Any angler knows the frustrating truth: The worst predators often choose to hang out in the most dangerous areas. These bad boys, that really want to kill your cute looking streamers, hide in dense weedbeds, sunken timber, under undercut banks, logs or jetties. Places that are notorious fly eaters. Continue reading “Three ways to go weedless – without sacrificing hook ability”

Hökensås Sportfiske – and the Swedish Sportfiske Mässan show

Abborra Gjölen Rainbow Trout 18-09-02

This coming weekend it is time for another great show. Sportsfiske Mässan is the largest angling show in Sweden, and if you are anywhere nearby, you owe yourself to drop by Elmia in Jönköping March the 17’th to the 19’th. It is an all-round angling fair, so there will be anything from trolling boats to fly fishing tackle. But there will be a lot of fly tying as well. Continue reading “Hökensås Sportfiske – and the Swedish Sportfiske Mässan show”

The Danish Fly Festival in Kolding – Marts the 2nd and 3th

Pastel Green Cascade by Martin Votborg-01

This spring is a busy one for us at Ahrex Hooks. The last couple of weeks we’ve attended festivals and shows in UK and Italy and this coming weekend, we are in our own neck of the woods. More precisely in Kolding, Denmark. Continue reading “The Danish Fly Festival in Kolding – Marts the 2nd and 3th”

Mini Jigs and an Irish Classic


Winter is hitting Denmark this week, so fly tying is really the most obvious pastime around here at the moment. Last week we had ice free waters and fishing was pretty good though. This blog is kind of a patchwork with something old, new, borrowed… and well… pink. Let’s get to it. Continue reading “Mini Jigs and an Irish Classic”