The Story of Ahrex

Ahrex FW551 Mini Jig - Barbless - Hook only - Art (#10)-04

It might sound a bit pretentious for a company as young as Ahrex to tell it’s story now, but we get a lot of questions on when, how, where, why and who when we’re on shows and from retailers and distributors. And prompted by J. Stockard, I decided to ask Søren and Morten some of these questions and let them tell the story.

Continue reading “The Story of Ahrex”

The Danish Fly Festival in Kolding – Marts the 2nd and 3th

Pastel Green Cascade by Martin Votborg-01

This spring is a busy one for us at Ahrex Hooks. The last couple of weeks we’ve attended festivals and shows in UK and Italy and this coming weekend, we are in our own neck of the woods. More precisely in Kolding, Denmark. Continue reading “The Danish Fly Festival in Kolding – Marts the 2nd and 3th”

Meet Ahrex Hooks – At the British Fly Fair International 2019

Foam Beetle by Brian Ratcliff-01

Now it’s time for one of the most important events on the British fly fishing scene. British Fly Fair International is held in association with Fly Fishing and Fly Tying – and naturally we will be there along with anyone else the European fly tackle business.

Continue reading “Meet Ahrex Hooks – At the British Fly Fair International 2019”

Listen up, guys!


Today it is not about pictures or films as it usually is on this blog. It’s is about fly fishing and fly tying, though. We bring you good stuff for… your ears. Podcasts are a weird kind of media, and I think around here… they are kind of underestimated. Continue reading “Listen up, guys!”

It’s all about the bass

_R3A1073 Photo by Austin Green

There isn’t much bass fishing to be found in our neck of the woods, so to be honest, we don’t know much about bass fly fishing. Luckily we have friends that do. For this blog we’ve relied heavily on their experience. So a large thanks to all of you guys for sharing your knowledge, photos and your über cool flies with us. But first let’s look at the fish. Continue reading “It’s all about the bass”

Fly fishing for ide – a cool alternative for warm days

Forgotten River - Rimte - 31-07-09

Once upon a time, fly fishing was primarily a technique for catching trout and grayling. But today an increasing number of species are targeted with the fly rod. Anything from dace to sailfish is caught on a regular basis by anglers seeking new experiences. And since there are around 34.000 recognized species of fish on the planet, there’s no lack of targets. Continue reading “Fly fishing for ide – a cool alternative for warm days”

Dry or die – on knowledge and passion

This Fly-05

Fishing a dry fly to a steadily rising trout can be a very fulfilling experience. It can be totally uncomplicated as well – if the fish isn’t to discriminating when choosing the bugs. But some days are more challenging than others – and to have a success on a regular basis you need to know something about insects, hatches, drifts, drag, casting, tackle and lots of other stuff – and be able to observe the water patiently before whipping the surface with your fly line. All that adds up – and make dry fly fishing a sport for connoisseurs. Continue reading “Dry or die – on knowledge and passion”

Post spawn pike – appetite for destruction


Spring is the time of year when the Northern pike spawn and for a short while actually give new life to the water world. The rest of the year… well… pike is mostly into killing. In Denmark the month of April is closed season for pike fishing in freshwater – and additional 2 weeks is added for the salt. But… in freshwater opening day is only a few days away – and other places on the globe, pike fishing is legal year round. Continue reading “Post spawn pike – appetite for destruction”

Inspiration – from books, people and waters


Ok… we share practical tips on fly tying, fishing related stuff and present some of the coolest fly tiers on the planet on our blog. We’ve even talked about the passion. Today I will talk inspiration. What makes you tick as a fly tier and fly fisherman?

Continue reading “Inspiration – from books, people and waters”