Europea 12


The Europea 12 is a simple, beautiful dry imitation of a sedge or caddis. Originally it’s a French pattern, attributed to André Ragot – according to the Danish author Preben Torp Jacobsen. I’ve not been able to find out how old the pattern is, but Preben Torb Jacobsen has published it in 1976, so it’s older than that. Something tells me it’s from the 1960s, but that’s nothing but a hunch.

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It’s a season of change. It’s September 6th, and officially autumn in the northern hemisphere, and as if nature almost knew the exact date, September 1st really brought with it a noticeable change in weather and temperature. It’s been rainy and windy and definitely very autumn-like, especially in comparison to the lovely warm days late August had to offer. Continue reading “Changes”