Summer tip… better than aircondition – try some surface action

Popper on surface

Right now we are experiencing a short heat wave in Europe. Yesterday the temperature neared 110 degrees in Paris. The same was true of Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, as a dangerous heat wave scorched Western Europe. Even up here in Scandinavia – things are getting pretty steamy. Since it happens pretty seldom, our houses usually don’t have air condition systems. But then again, there’s no need sitting inside while all hope is out. Continue reading “Summer tip… better than aircondition – try some surface action”

Paul Monaghan’s ‘Mono’ Rig – Weedless rig for predator tube flies

White Monaghan Tube Rigged w. PR380-01

This spring we took a sneak peek into the versatile tube fly rigging system, developed by our friend, UK based streamer dude, Paul Monaghan. Fly tiers tend to be nerdy – and Paul is as nerdy as they come. But all his ideas on fly design and rigging are put to the test when Paul is kayaking his home waters: the mighty River Thames and its many tributaries. Continue reading “Paul Monaghan’s ‘Mono’ Rig – Weedless rig for predator tube flies”

Micke Lindström’s flies – and a Danish salmon

Skjern Salmon photo by Micke Llindström-02A couple of weeks ago we had our Swedish friend Micke Lindström down here in Denmark for a short visit. Micke is, in our opinion, one of the best fly fishermen on the planet. He is also a very modest guy, so somebody else needed to say that – and I guess I just did. Continue reading “Micke Lindström’s flies – and a Danish salmon”