Big is beautiful – but challenging

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When tying pike or muskie flies, you are faced with the laws of physics. You want to use a big fly in order to get the attention of the top predators. But you still want to be able to handle that fly on a single-handed fly rod that you are able to cast all day. In fact the same challenges are equally relevant when tying any kind of large streamer fly… for predatory trout or most kinds of saltwater fly fishing. But for this blog… let’s stick to flies primarily designed for pike and muskie.

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Northern pike and the Green Back Tiger

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Pike season is on… even here in Denmark where the large predators are left undisturbed during the breeding period in April. Our top picture on this blog is from a fishing trip yesterday… so it is definitively fresh from the memory card in Morten Valeurs camera. The happy fly fisherman in
the picture is Omar Bo Gade from Denmark Fishing Outdoor Lodge.

Continue reading “Northern pike and the Green Back Tiger”

Morten Valeur ties The Green Beast

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The days are slowly getting longer and the sun gains power for every week. It’s midwinter – but on good days there is a promise of spring in the air. And… even in winter there is fish to be caught, if you dress up to meet the conditions. Continue reading “Morten Valeur ties The Green Beast”

We proudly present: The brand new Trout Predator Series


Ok, if you are one of those guys who like to swing big meaty streamers for badass predatory trout – this one’s for you. We at the Ahrex team love streamer fishing, and we really wanted to make a statement… in form of a hook series that was designed without any compromise… for big, hairy and often articulated streamers.

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